National Pumpkin Cheesecake Day is Sunday October 21st
Thinking about what to make for Sunday dinner? Here's a thought...
...Serve up some Pumpkin Cheesecake.
Sunday is the perfect "off" day when it comes to diets. Everyone cheats on Sunday. On their diets, wives, husbands, significant others. You see, you cheat, lie, and steal, then head to church. Soon as you walk into the building all sins are forgiven. (allegedly)
If you love cheesecake you might want to hug a Greek.
It's been found that the earliest mention of cheesecake came from Aegimus, a Greek physician who wrote a book on the art of making cheesecake. Make sure you get the translated version otherwise it'll be all Greek to you. (HA!)
When it comes to Cheesecake in North America you have many choices, including New York Style, Pennsylvania Dutch, Philadelphia, Country style, Chicago style, and Savory.
When it comes to adding Pumpkin to the cake, the most popular seems to be adding it in a swirl style. That way you can get a taste of cheesecake, then pumpkin, then a combination of both.
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