Dexter is a Very Happy Pet of the Week
Dexter is so photogenic and friendly, he could be on TV! Or he could just have a starring role in your household.
Dexter is a 2 year old Australian Terrier. He is neutered, housebroken, leash trained and knows how to hop in the truck for a trip to the nearest radio station. Dexter loves kids, but is not fond of cats. Bring the kids and your other dogs to the Temple Animal Shelter (620 Mama Dog Circle), for a "Get to Know Dexter" visit. They have a yard outside so everybody can play together and see if they get along.
Officer Hetzel reminds pet owners to keep those rabies shots up to date. A Killeen dog recently tangled with a rabid skunk that got in the back yard. Listen to info about Dexter and mandated vaccinations.
Emancipet in Killeen is just one place you can get low cost vaccinations for your pets. They will also spay and neuter.
The Temple Animal Shelter has plenty of pets that need adopting, not just dogs, but cats too. They can always use donations, besides money they will take plain clay cat litter, old towels, and pet food.
You don't have to adopt from the Temple Animal Shelter, check with the shelter in your area about pet adoptions.
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