The Show Must Go On for Deep In the Heart Film Festival
The Deep In the Heart Film Festival will go online this weekend and from October 2–4.
The show will go on for the Deep in the Heart Film Festival as organizers will move the festival to an online platform, something the founders have thought would help grow the festival on a global stage.
Co-founder Samuel Thomas tells FOX 44 News, “We’ve always actually wanted to have an online distribution part where you can go to a website and watch the films for a certain amount of time that you didn’t get to catch during the festival.”
There is no shortage of viewing options, as over 120 films and music videos will be available. Plus, you can also watch Q&A's with filmmakers, something you may not have had a chance to do in person.
According to Thomas, the online festival does have a price, but you'll have access to the films for 24 hours after you activate your block. You'll have up to 3 days to do that. So, not only can you watch the films from the comfort of your own sofa, but you can pause for bathroom breaks, food, or taking your dog for a walk. Can't do that at your normal film festival.
The virtual format certainly seems to have its benefits for Central Texas movie lovers, but it could also bring more awareness and participating to the festival. Thomas hopes it will increase its reach and show people around the world that Waco is very much a part of the film festival circuit.
If you'd like to find out more info or purchase your on-demand tickets, visit the festival's website here. There are also easy to follow instructions for watching on a variety of devices, including Roku, Apple TV, and Chromecast devices. You can even watch on your phone. Just don't let your boss catch you watching on the clock.
Kudos to the festival organizers for adapting during a tough time. Hopefully next year's festival will give us all a chance to enjoy these movies in a theater surrounded by fellow film enthusiasts. Until then, kick back, relax, and enjoy some indie movie goodness.