SURPRISE! Surprise Birthday Party Infects 18 People with COVID-19
Birthday parties are suppose to be about celebrating that someone special and showering them with gifts and praise, not this year.
The intentions were good, but the outcome of this surprise birthday party in North Texas has left 18 people infected with COVID-19. One of whom is fighting for his life.
According to KWTX, 25 people showed up to the surprise birthday party last month and it turns out the host was unknowingly infected with coronavirus. That person would interact with with seven of his family members and would eventually spread it to 10 other members of the family including an elderly couple in their 80's and a woman who is also battling breast cancer.
COVID-19 has infected 2.4 million Americans and the numbers continue to rise. Here in Texas it's gotten so bad that Gov. Abbott has had to close bars and limit capacity in restaurants and outdoor gatherings.
No one knows when we'll be over the spread of COVID-19 and what the future will hold but we should all be aware of the actions that may put others at risk.
It's worth repeating, practice social distancing, wash your hands and wear a mask in public. It could save yours or somebody you know's life.