Can you smell what Dave In The Cave is COOOKING??? Actually, it's a movie review, of earthquake box office destroyer, San Andreas. Boom!

warner brothers
warner brothers

I was looking forward to this because I thought it would be The Rock cruising the streets of San Andreas in a stolen car, plowing over gang bangers, working out, eating hamburgers, maybe operating in clown mode where everybody's a clown. However, i was wrong, this was a throwback to the disaster movies of the 1970's, only no Charlton Heston or George Kennedy, just Dwayne zipping about in a helicopter, apparently, saving his hot wife and hot daughter while the west coast is attacked by herds of bearded, heavily armed digital computer artists. Or something. Have a look at our video, available in both red and green versions.

And while you are hear, check out Two Guys And Maybe It's A Ficus, reviewing the big old splashy fun time Disney movie that is Tomorrowland. Which totally could have used a hundred percent more Dwayne Johnson.


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