‘Meth Foot’ Caught During Killeen Traffic Stop
Some people earn a nickname in prison. Others already have one when they arrive. I think this is a case of the latter.
I'm sorry. I honestly hope this man gets the help he needs. It's obviously time for an intervention when you have 6.9 grams of methamphetamine in your shoe as you drive past the local Henderson's.
Meet Jeffery James Clark. NEWS 10 reports he is staying in the Bell County Jail on charges related to possession of a controlled substance. In this case, methamphetamine. His hiding place for the meth? In his shoe. Why not? Maybe he had just bought it and was headed home with it.
Clark was pulled over by police at N 10th and Parmer in Killeen recently and a search of his vehicle turned up a substance suspected to be methamphetamine. Clark then reportedly confessed to police that he had more on his person.
I'm hoping that by turning over his stash to the cops maybe Clark has decided for himself to just stop. Busted with a shoe full of meth. Jailed in lieu of $50K in bond. Hopefully, his time in the clink will help clean him up. He will also need a new driver's license when he leaves prison someday. The reason police searched his older model truck was that his license was not valid. I assume that means it had expired, but we can't confirm that yet.
Athletes can come down with a condition called athletes foot. I wonder if people traveling with narcotics in their shoe can get, like, narcotics foot?
This already reminds me of several episodes of Live PD.
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