Watson Plumbing Presents the 6th Annual Que 4 Kids fundraiser to benefit Aware Central Texas! 

The 3-day festival is fast approaching and tickets are now on sale for just $15 dollars at Que4kids.org. Single night tickets and two-day passes are available.

Thursday, April 11th is the kickoff party with LC Rocks. Friday's live auction will be followed by the Texas Twister Band (April 12th), and Saturday (April 13th) is Kids Day featuring the Powerwheels Demo Debry. The derby is open to any kid who wants to participate by bringing their own Powerwheels to the race. It's a ton of fun and your ticket purchase benefits the fight against child abuse and family violence in Central Texas.

A big thanks to Bring Everyone in the Zone, Watson Plumbing, Chaney Bennett Company, Grandy Ranch, S&M Vacuum, and Kayser Heating.


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