Killeen Police Warn: No Fireworks Within City Limits
The Fourth of July is coming, let's go buy some fireworks and shoot them off at home. Not if you live in the city limits you don't, that's illegal folks. I know people don't pay attention to that little rule, but if you get caught be prepared to suffer the consequences.
The Killeen Police Department sent out a press release so I can tell you the rules.
Number one: No Fireworks in Killeen. You can't sell them, store them, possess them or set them off. You cannot have fireworks within Killeen city limits, Period! That is why you see those Firework stands on the OUTSKIRTS of the city limits. Number one is basically the whole press release!
You can shoot them off in the country, but not within the city of Killeen, or Temple or Belton, or Harker Heights or Copperas Cove. No city that I know of allows fireworks within city limits.
I know you hear them in your neighborhood on the night of the Fourth. I do too, they drive my dog crazy. Just remember if you get caught you could get in trouble. In Killeen, violation of the fireworks ordinance is a class C misdemeanor and carries a $2,000 fine.
By the way, sparklers are considered fireworks, they are also prohibited.
Killeen Police will increase the number of officers on the streets for the Fourth The press release says, "The officers will be focusing on violators, speeders and locating and arresting impaired drivers who are presenting a hazardous risk. Drivers are encouraged to observe the posted speed limits and to avoid drinking and driving for their own safety and the safety of others".
So now you know the rules and what happens if you break them.
Have a safe 4th of July! Hopefully you won't end up in jail!