The bacteria was found in a Niagara Bottling water supply on June 10. One of the springs where Niagara gets the water was contaminated.

E. coli comes from waste, be it human or animal. It can cause diarrhea, cramps, nausea, headaches, or other symptoms. The bacteria creates special problems for infants, young children, some of the elderly and people with severely compromised immune systems.


A Niagara Bottling press release warns:

DO NOT DRINK THE AFFECTED WATER WITHOUT BOILING IT FIRST.  Bring it to a boil, let it boil for one minute, and let it cool before using, boiling kills bacteria and other organisms in the water.


The affected products were sold under the following brand names:



Big Y

Best Yet



Nature’s Place



Morning Fresh



Western Beef Blue



The affected products have codes that begin with the letter F (for Hamburg) or A (for Allentown). The first digit after the letter indicates the number of the production line. The next two numbers indicate the day, then the month in letters, the year, and then the time, based on a 24-hour clock.

Example: A610JUN15 2000

(Allentown line 6, manufactured on June 10, 2015 at 8pm)



For more information, please contact:                         

Niagara Bottling, LLC Consumer Service

(877) 487-7873                                                                



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