It’s National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
Today is a marvelous day. It is the day we celebrate peanut butter and jelly.
I really feel sorry for those who are allergic to peanut butter. They will never know the joy of a delicious peanut butter and jelly and salami sandwich! Or how about Elvis's favorite peanut butter and bananas? State Representative Molly White likes to put potato chips on hers.
There are lots of ways to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches less boring. Buzzfeed put together 29 recipes that I might try. Like this Tower of POWER!!!!
That is so BEAUTIFUL!
This one I am not so sure about. PB&J Chicken Lollipops!
So go crazy and make up your own PB&J recipes, just be aware, despite the fact that we love peanut butter and jelly so much we must also remember there are those who can't stand that song!