How To Grill Your Favorite Food This Memorial Day
O.K. Scary thought. You have people coming over to your house on Memorial Day because you've got a new grill. Now you realize, you don't know how to grill.
Some new friends are coming over and they want food you would never have even considered putting on the grill.
Here are a few tips in case you're a bit rusty.
- Burgers
It's whats for dinner
My Big Q Tip. Keep your raw spatula and hot spatula separate.
- Steak
The Other Way to put it in a Heart
Big Q Tip: Put plenty of garlic on it, and a splash of Holy Water, you know, for the kids.
- Brisket
What Are You Kids Smoking in There?
Big Q Tip: Let someone else do the Brisket.
- Chicken
Wash Your Damn Hands
Big Q Tip: Stop fingering the food. As AC/DC used to sing...Touch to Much
- Shrimp
Just Don't
The same people that get gas station sushi, are the ones grilling this crap on Memorial Day weekend.
- Bonus
How To Use Charcoal