Fly Away Trip Available to See Guns & Roses Live in El Paso
Everyone loves a good adventure. Throw in some rock & ammo, and it's a party.
K1017 is giving you a chance to see Guns & Roses live in El Paso, Texas. And, as we like to do, you're gonna get more than one chance to register. We've set it up so that you can register up to six times a day. That's right: while others only give you one measly chance to win, we've up'ed your odds with 6 chances to enter.
The trip includes the usual stuff: airfare, hotel accommodations, extra spending money, and of course, tickets to the big concert on September 6th. But we're also throwing in a range day for 2. You'll go to the Sportsmen's Elite in El Paso and shoot a variety of semi-automatic rifles and handguns.
Now that'll take care of the "Guns" portion of Guns & Roses. To finish up, we'll send you to the legendary Rosa's Cantina.
This flyaway contest is brought to you by Little Land Play Gym, the coolest indoor play space for kids! Little Land Play Gym is coming soon to Temple at 4311 South 31st Street! Visit us online at littlelandplaygym.com and call 254-231-3752 for more info.
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