Expect Lane Closures on Rancier Wednesday
If you travel on Rancier during the day, you're the one that's going to get humped on Hump Day.
The City of Killeen announced that Rancier will be having lane closures on the Westbound lanes starting Wednesday.
They'll be closing down for asphalt repair. I never know if that's when they cover the holes or open up new holes.
The westbound outside lane of Rancier near the intersection of 38th Street will be closed tomorrow from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. The inside lane will remain open to through traffic. The repairs should be finished by the end of the day.
Traffic will be detoured to the inside lane during work hours, and motorists are asked to use caution and obey traffic control devices.
The City of Killeen sends its apologies for any inconvenience as a result of this work and appreciates your cooperation as improvements are made to the roadway.
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