‘Jurassic World’ is Fun at First, but then There’s All the Running and Screaming
Whoo haaa. The world just threw 500 something millions dollars at the new movie "Jurassic World" and of course we sent our Tan, Dave and Ed Ficus out to see it! RUN! HERE COMES THE REVIEW!
"Oh sure, it's fun at first, but then there's the running and the screaming." --- Jeff Goldblum.
Yeah, so let's just make that movie, with the running and the screaming. Kinda glue four or five big scenes together, willy nilly, with the cheapest kinda of plot adhesive ten or more screenwriters can cobble together out of better movies, hire funny lovable hero of the moment Chris Pratt to stare with a steely gaze into the trees and not do much of anything else, cos who cares, there's CGI dinosaurs tearing through here. Anyway, it's a popcorn movie. Big expensive popcorn. The kind that looks good in the bucket but tastes kinda bleh after three or four handfuls. For more, settle back, check out our review. We got kinda loopy toward the end.
SPY Review - Part 2