This week it was reported that a store in Killeen had been knocked off - here's the report from our news partner KWTX Channel 10 - but details soon emerged that the criminals involved had cheap tastes.

First off, given the endless options in the number of much more upscale businesses to rob, these dudes chose Family Dollar.  Were they trying to ensure they wouldn't be charged with felony theft given the inexpensive nature of the merchandise?

Oh sure, Family Dollar has some nice stuff. Need milk or a loaf of bread? Family Dollar is your friend. Love you FD, but Tiffany and Co. you ain't.

When it comes time to hide, at least one of the criminals goes even lower rent: he jumps into the closest dumpster! Zero effort made to get away from stealing from the most inexpensive store on the block.

The cops caught him immediately. Now he's facing the same charges as if he'd tried to rob a fast food joint.

So if you're going to engage in a life of crime, make sure its worth it. Otherwise, you can just hang out in the dumpster for free.


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