These Central Texas Businesses Are Still Open During the COVID-19 Outbreak
As we continue to maintain our distance from one another to slow the spread of COVID-19, local businesses are having to make major adjustments to the way they do business, but they are still doing business. Many also taking special precautions to keep customers and employees safe.
Scroll down to see a list of businesses that are still offering their services as we ride out the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown.
We've created a form with which Central Texas businesses can let us know they're open and what they're offering. As submissions come in, we'll post them here absolutely free of charge so that we can do our part to help the friends and neighbors operating these businesses keep doing what they love while providing essential services to our community.
If you'd like to add information about your business to the list, please fill out the form below. Again, it's absolutely free to send your information and be added.
Bates Nissan - M-F 7:30am -4:30pm Sat 8:00am-1:00pm Sales M-F 9:00am-6:00pm Sat 9:00am-5:00pm - Bates Nissan salutes all essential workers on the frontlines of COVID-19. 15% off parts, maintenance and repairs to all those who work at essential businesses along with FREE pick up and delivery to your home or workplace. batesnissan.com/blog/COVID-19-UPDATE - 254-699-7181 - batesnissan.com - wilma@batesnissan.com - 5501 E Central Texas Expressway Killeen, TX 76543
Boyd's Automotive - 254-245-7210 - 123 W. Veterans Memorial Blvd Harker Heights - 10 am to 5 pm - facebook.com/tboydautomotive - Automotive Repair
Caliber Collision - 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., Mon. - Fri. Closed Sat. & Sun. - The entire Caliber team is focused on supporting the continuity of the transportation infrastructure while implementing careful protective measures, including adjusting our operating model to avoid the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) among teammates and customers. We have modified our repair process accordingly—from drop-off to delivery—to ensure that teammates and customers alike are interacting as conscientiously and sparingly as possible. - 817-681-5739 - https://calibercollision.com/restoring-you mark@citrusadv.com - 5710 S. General Bruce Dr. Temple
Caruthers Tire & Service Center Automotive - 0830-1600 M-F - Practicing distancing, sanitizing, hand washing - (254) 690-8473 - carutherstire.com - carutherstire@hotmai.com - 3705 E Veterans Memorial Blvd, Killeen, TX
Dodge Country Used Cars - (254) 554-7004 - 410 S FORT HOOD RD - 8:30 AM UNTIL 7PM Daily - Visit them at dodgecountryusedcars.com - Preowned Automobile superstore - "$5 down delivers!" - Service center currently open.
Jones Automotive-Firestone - (254) 939-3785 - 103 North Main St. Belton - M-F 8am-5pm Sat 8am-12pm - Mechanical repairs - Visit them at jonesautomotive.com.
Knox Performance Diesel & Offroad - (254) 813-5669 - 2803 E Veterans Memorial Blvd. Ste. B. Killeen - Mon-Fri 8-6 Saturday 9-3 - Visit them on Facebook - Light-Medium Duty Gas & Diesel Truck Repairs - "Specializing in Engine Performance, Servicing, off-road suspension repairs, alterations, & lift kits"
Mayo Autoworks 2 Automotive - Mon-Sat 8am-5pm - Sanitized every hour, keeping social distancing - 254-781-7737 - Mayo Autoworks - services@mayoautoworks.com - 2300 E STAN SCHLUETER LOOP, Killeen - mayoautoworks.com
Overspray Customs and Collision - (254) 773-2600 - 5202 S. Gen. Bruce Dr. Temple - M-F 9am-6pm, Sat 9am-1pm - overspraycustoms.com
Quicklane At Johnson Brothers Ford - Monday Through Friday 7am-6pm Saturday Limited Hours - Disinfecting vehicles and work spaces - 254-773-4500 johnsonbrosford.com shanez@johnsonbrosford.com or brandonc@johnsonbrosford.com - 7455 South General Bruce Drive, Temple
Tranum Auto - (254) 773-4548 - 5508 S. General Bruce Dr., Temple - Daily 10am-5pm - Tranum staff are cleaning and bleaching their facilities and allowing all employees who can work from home to do so. They're also avoiding handshakes and practicing social distancing. You can take advantage of their feast, easy pre-approval process from home at tranumauto.com/finance-your-car/pre-approved. They are currently operating by appointment only. Visit them online here.
Marlandwood Daycare - 5:30 A.M. to 6:30 P.M., Monday-Friday - 254-938-2660 www.marlandwoodaycare.com - A_charette@yahoo.com 213 North Central, Troy
Commercial Furniture
Office Furniture Concepts - Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM - Ship Items Direct - (254) 213-5324 - https://ofctx.com/ - tony@ofctx.com - 3883 State Highway 53, Temple
Computer Repair
Electronic Assistance Corporation - 9:00 - 5:00 P.M. Monday - Thursday, Lunch 11:00 - 12:00 - Distance Precaustions, Hand Sanitizer - 254-778-7978 - cefrasier@eac.net - 1604 W. Avenue C, Temple
633 Chiropractic - Monday and Wednesday 9am to 3pm Friday 1pm to 6pm - Following CDC guidelines (225) 522-1380 - 633chiro.com - The633chiro.com@outlook.com - 1711 E Central Texas Expy are 300 H Killeen, TX 76541 in the One Killeen Center
AFC Urgent Care - M-F 8AM/6PM; SAT 9AM/2PM; Sunday Closed During Shelter in Place – Telemed Available (254) 295-0117 - https://www.afcurgentcare.com/ - vlangan@afcurgentcare.com - 3614 SW HK Dodgen Loop,
Miracle Ear Killeen, Temple, Waco - Monday thru Friday 9am-3pm or by appointment - Your hearing health and safety are important to us. Our offices are open to serve your hearing needs. Please call to schedule an appointment for a FREE hearing test. We are offering free curbside clean and checks and free batteries delivered to your car by appointment.
Killeen: 254-245-9362 - www.miracle-ear.com/KilleenTX - rglick@pjcinvestments.net 3210 E Central TX Expy, Ste 403, Killeen
Temple: 254-742-2405 - www.miracle-ear.com/TempleTX - rglick@pjcinvestments.net 3809 S General Bruce Drive, Ste 103A, Temple
Waco: 254-751-1100 - www.miracle-ear.com/WacoTX - rglick@pjcinvestments.net 2026 N. Valley Mills Dr, Waco
Health and Wellness
CenTex CBD - 254-295-0139 - 2807 W Adams Ave ste j, Temple - 9am - 6pm Monday-Saturday - centexcbd.net - Free shipping or curbside delivery for all online orders. Sanitizing surfaces after every customer. Your source for CBD education and products including tinctures, smokeables, edibles, topicals, pet products and more.
The Diamond Dynasty 7 - 1-3pm, 5-7pm - PICK UP OF ONLINE ORDERS ONLY Contactless Online Order Pick -Up/ NO IN-STORE SALES - (254) 768-0081 or (254) 291-8100 - www.thediamonddynasty.com - FB: Diamond Dynasty, IG: @thediamonddynasty7 - thediamond.dynasty7@gmail.com - 600 Indian Trail Suite 105
Heating and A/C
Moore Air LLC - 24/7 - 254-778-5555 - mooreair.net - mooreair@gmail.com - 5801 Sparta Rd Belton
Door-Tex Overhead Garage Door Service LLC - 512-9-GARAGE - Killeen - 8:00am-5:00pm M-, 24/7 emergency - Visit their website here. - Garage door repair and installation, gate operator repair and installation. Opener repair and Installation. Certified Liftmaster dealer and technician. - "We have taken extra precautions with personal protective equipment with this virus And no less than 10feet of contact between technician and customer. There is a full example given on Facebook @doortexoverheadllc. We offer discounts to seniors,military,educators and first responders."
Technique Carpets & Floors LLC - 9am - 5:30pm M-F / 10am-2pm Saturday /24 hr.emergencies - PPE being worn by Cleaning Technicians - (254) 690-1444 -techniquecarpets.com - techniquecarpets@gmail.com - 913 West Veterans Memorial Blvd. Killeen
ACN - Affiliated Marketing - Open 24/7 - 254-589-2607 - jaquanwilliams.acnibo.com - 610 N. 22nd St
Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services - 800-888-1904 - 2401 South 57th Street Temple - pchas.org/what-we-do/community-services/child-and-family - Helping families in crisis, teaching parenting skills, counseling etc. Services are free and based on research. Social workers may meet in the family home, outside of business hours.
STARRY - 254-244-2400 - 1711 E Central Texas Expy #203, Killeen, also STARRY Counseling Program, South 61st Street #100B, Temple - Hours Are Flexible - starry.org - Counseling, Parenting Classes, Support Sessions - All of our services are free of charge and available online and by phone.
Pet Care
Barking Oaks Pet Resort - Monday-Friday 6AM to 6PM Sat 8AM-2PM - Drop Pet Off in a Sterile Room (No Human Contact) When Customer Leaves Employee Retrieves the Pet #2 for Retail (Dog Food) Placing the Retail Item Outside the Store Payment Is Done on Credit Card or in an Envelope - 254-778-2275 - barkingoakspetresort.com - BARKINGOAKS@YAHOO.COM - 4153 Shallow Ford West Rd Temple Texas 76502
Blount’s Speedy Rooter - 24/7 - (254) 774-7211 blountspedyrooter.com -Greatservice@blountsspeedyrooter.com - 6814 Lower Troy Rd, Temple
Printing & Design
KDH Printing - Printing, Design Services, Mailing, Delivery, Branding, Marketing - Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm - Delivery available. Receptionists are required to wear gloves and masks. - 254-501-7590 - www.kdhprinting.com - donna.sypion@kdhnews.com -1809 Florence Road, Killeen
Shirtzz.com T-Shirt Shop - Printing & Design Custom-Printed Bulk T-Shirt Orders OR Custom-Saying or Photo Tees with NO MINIMUM ORDER and SAME-DAY SERVICE. TUE - SAT 10am to 6pm Lobby Closed. Order By PHONE or EMAIL. Curbside Pickup or FREE Local Home Delivery 254-690-8500 www.shirtzz.com killeen@shirtzz.com 2904 Trimmier Rd, STE C-6, Killeen
Restaurant/Food Service
Ari's Italian Restaurant - 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Mon-Sat Curbside - Takeout and Delivery 254-393-0214 - facebook.com/Arisitalianrestaurant - arisitalian@gmail.com - 2330 Verna Lee Blvd #110, Harker Heights
Ash Acres Dairy Farm - 254-718-1722 - 5898 Dice Grove Rd. Belton - 9:00-11:00am and 5:30-8:00pm - ashacresrawmilk.com - Milk, eggs, and beef - Offering curbside delivery
Beltonian Theatre - 254-831-3161 - 219 E Central Ave, Belton - 4p-8p TheBeltonianTheatre.com - TO GO or Pick-up Customizable Beltonian Snack Packs for your movie night at home! 15 mile maximum and $20 before tax minimum on deliveries. Alcohol can only be delivered with food.
Black Meg 43 - Monday-Saturday 10:30-9:00 Sunday 11:00-8:00 - Gloves masks hand sanitizer hand washing stations - 254-200-9634 - Black meg 43 on Facebook -Blair@blackmeg43.com - 1406 East Rancier, Killeen
Double Xl Bbq - Friday and Saturday 11-6 - Take out and call in orders only - 254-721-4478 or 254-407-0019 - Facebook: Double Xl Bbq - 315 West Mesquite Ave, Rogers, Tx
Green's Sausage House - Specialty Grocery Store/Meat Market/Cafe/Bakery - Monday to Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m Saturdays 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. - Please Note: The Cafe' takes orders until 5:30 p.m. Monday - Friday and until 4:30 p.m. on Saturdays. To place a To-Go Order from the Cafe', call 254-985-2331. Here's a link to the Cafe' Menu: https://greenssausage.house/cafe/ - For the health and safety of our customers and staff, we ask that folks entering our establishment adhere to the CDCs guidelines for social distancing. This means limiting close contact with others as much as possible (about 6 feet). In order to encourage social distancing, we are limiting how many shoppers can enter the store at a given time. To promote one-way traffic, we have designated one ENTRANCE into our building (grocery/meat counter side) and one EXIT (Cafe' side). Please adhere to all the posted signage and the distance taping we've placed on our floors. We've also added physical barriers between customers and the meat counter and customers and the cashiers. - 254-985-2331 https://www.facebook.com/Greens-Sausage-House-151477021694280/ - avery.green@umhb.edu 16483 State Highway 53, Temple, Texas
Jody's Family Restaurant - 10:30-7:30 Tuesday-Saturday - Open for take out & call in orders - 254-774-7999 - https://www.facebook.com/Jodys-Family-Restaurant-111683028870752/ - christyjofranks@yahoo.com - 1301 S 1st St, Temple
Palmeras Tex-Mex Con Sabor - 254-892-4343 - 201 E Central Texas Expy, Suite 1460, Harker Heights - MON - THUR | 11 AM - 10 PM FRI | 11 AM – 11 PM SAT | 10 AM - 11 PM SUN | 10 AM - 10 PM - palmerastexmex.com - delivery and carry-out
Pie-Licious Pies by Nikki - 10-4 Tuesday- Saturday, may close earlier if no business - 254-935-2025 - Facebook - Friedpiesbynikkibyrd@gmail.com - 1217 S 1st Street Temple
Pizza Hut - All Central Texas locations are open fro 11am-11pm daily. They offer 100% no-contact curbside service and delivery. See pizzahut.com for locations and specials.
Rock and Roll Ice Cream Parlor - Ice Cream and Desserts - Sunday- Saturday 1pm-8pm ( Temporary hours) - Open for take-out and delivery. - (254) 526-0340 - Facebook.com/rockandrollicecreamparlor - Rocknroll.icecreamparlor@gmail.com - 4524 South WS Young Drive Killeen Tx. 76542
Scores Belton - 254-831-5111 - 219 S East St, Belton - 11am-9pm - scorespizzaandwings.com - Pizza, Wings, Sliders, Salads - We offer Curbside and provide Free Delivery
Seoul Garden - 11-2100 MON-THU 11-2200 FRI-SAT - JUST TAKE OUT ORDERS 254-542-5544 - txseoulgarden.com - 185 W HWY 190 STE3 COPPERAS COVE
Tapa Tapas Authentic Mexican Restaurant - - Mon-Friday 6am-3pm and Sat 7am-3pm until further notice - 254-295-0925 - Facebook/yelp/google/doordash/UberEats/grubhub - 301 N General Bruce Drive, Temple
Wat Tha Truck - 254-654-7849 - They're a food truck, so their address and hours vary. See their Facebook page for their current location and specials.
Yeah She Rollin' Food Truck - Tuesday-Friday 11:30-7 Saturday 12-6 - 504-758-1425 -Yeah She Rollin on Facebook - Cheftrelly@yahoo.com - 3101 S Fort Hood St., Killeen
Yong’s Oriental Market & Korean Grill - 254-238-8442 - M-Sat 11am-9pm & Sun 1pm-8pm - 310 Cove Terrace Shopping Center, Copperas Cove - Authentic Korean Food, delivery through Waitr, Door Dash, We Deliver, Favor, or carry-out - Oriental groceries, meat and produce, affordable prices! Visit their Facebook page for more information.
Hemp and Herbs - (254) 598-2224 - 1229 A South 31st St., Temple - M-F 10am-6pm, Saturday 10am-4pm - CBD, CBG, Hemp flower, dried herbs, herbal teas and blended essential oils - Visit them online at hempandherbsllc.com.
Sears Hometown Store - Temple - M-S 9:00am-6:00pm ; Sun 11:00am-4:00pm - We are trying all safety measures to protect us and our customers, So please accept curbside service if applicaple. For drop offs, pickups, and sears card payments, please call 254-770-1221 to allow us to serve you curbside.- 254-770-1221 - facebook.com/SearsHTSTempleTX - 1212 Marlandwood Rd, Temple, Tx, 76502
Skilled Labor
Amos Electric - 254-778-4271 - 5120 S General Bruce Drive, Temple - 8AM to 5PM amoselectric.com - Residential and Commercial Service Calls, Lighting, Appliances, Residential and Commercial Electricity Service, Backup Generators In the event of a "shelter in place" order, we are considered an essential business and can still make sure any electrical issue you have during this trying time can be serviced.
Amped Up Electrical Services - Open 24/7 - 254-535-4164 - ampedupctx.com - Ampedupes@yahoo.com - Killeen
PelleyMonster WoodWorks - (254) 338-1320 - 9am-5pm daily - 2020 IH 35 Frontage Road, Belton - Custom wood working and furniture repair - Visit them on Facebook.
Tree Addicts - Arborist / ISA Certified Tree Worker Climber Specialist - Monday through Friday 8am to 5pm - Yes, we take precautions - (254) 598-0992 -treeaddicts.com - mike@treeaddicts.com - 13247 Moffat Rd, Temple
Social Services
Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services - Social services, strengthening families vary using telehealth during social distancing order - 254-899-1600 and 800-888-1904 - https://www.pchas.org/what-we-do/community-services/child-and-family - info@pchas.org - 2401 S. 57th Street, Temple 76502
Amy's Attic Self Storage - Monday through Saturday 9 am to 6 pm - Office is open - 254-547-9629 - https://www.amysatticss.com/copperas-cove-tx -covemgr@amysatticss.com - 930 W. Highway 190
Top Value Storage - Monday thru Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-3p. - Hand sanitizer available for customer use. We constantly sanitize everything. Use Clorox wipes to wipe down everything throughout the day. We wear face masks. - 254-525-5566 - topvaluestoragetx.com/self-storage/killeen-tx-76543 - Killeen@topvaluestoragetx.com - 1003 N 38th Street, Killeen
LiveStream A Vision Network - Always Open Daily - disinfectant after each show and social distancing - 254-213-3318 - www.yourpassion2profithqtrs.com - Livestreamavision@gmail.com - 2384 East Stagecoach Road, Killeen
Veterinary Services
Belton Small Animal Clinic - 7:30 am - 6:00pm Monday-Saturday - Curbside service...owners wait in their car while or drop off their pets for care - 254-939-5823 Beltonsmallanimalclinic.com - Beltonsmallanimalclinic@yahoo.com - 2607 N Main St Belton, TX

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