The Four Snobbiest Suburbs in Texas
Leave it to Thrillist, the website that's essentially Buzzfeed for hipper adults, to pinpoint with great precision areas in America's largest Metros which set the standard for snobbery.
Because of our thriving economy, the four biggest metros in Texas are also some of the largest in the entire United States. And in the suburbs of those cities, Texans sure know how to do it up big.
Not surprisingly, Houston's snobbiest suburb is identified as The Woodlands, to which Thrillist poses the question, "what kind of bougie-ass town puts a 'The' in its name?" Hey, those who can, do.
As for Central Texas, West Lake Hills in West Austin takes the heat. The high school-aged children of the residents are described in the article as, "insanely privileged spawn who terrorize the area around Westlake High School in their Range Rovers."
Hey Thrillist peeps: jealous much? I guess I'm kinda sensitive to this kind of envy and trash talk.
Look, I grew up in what was once the biggest planned subdivision in America. I went to private school. By the time I was a senior, my parents moved us to what was the undisputed hoity-toit area in town. They later downsized and moved one neighborhood down the totem pole in the nouveau area of town, where they live today. But *I* don't live there, and had they been unlucky like their neighbors, they might have had flooding in their home in the recent rain event there. Two more inches of water and they would have. My point is, there's a fine line between what is seen as privilege and losing everything. It damn near happened in Baton Rouge.
That puts life in perspective. What a difference a day makes: from top of the world to down in the mud. All riches are fleeting. We all start our time in the world all nasty and we end up as fertilizer. Let the folks have their stuff.