Temple’s 31st Annual Food for Families Drive
Temple Fire & Rescue and the Temple Police Department are partnering with Operation Feeding Temple for the 31st annual Food for Families Drive.
According to a press release from the City of Temple, the the 31st Annual Food for Families Drive will be held on November 20, 2020.
The event will take place from 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM at Baylor Scott & White Medical Center located at 2401 S 31st St, Temple, TX 76508.
Every $1 donated equals 2.5 pounds of food.
You can donate by visiting the drive on the day of the event or by mailing donations to:
4311 South 31st Street, Suite 150
PO BOX #123
Temple, TX 76502
Donations can also be dropped off at the Temple Police Department, any Temple Fire station, or Temple City Hall by Friday, Nov. 20.
Your donations will EQUALLY support St Vincent De Paul of Greater Temple, Inc, Love of Christ Food Pantry, Taylor's Valley Baptist Church and Churches Touching Lives for Christ.
There are currently no volunteer opportunities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and strict social distancing protocols will be in place.
Let's come together as a community and pay it forward.

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