25 Movies Turning 50 in 202525 Movies Turning 50 in 2025Yes, ‘Jaws’ (and these 24 other movies) are all 50 years old.Matt SingerMatt Singer
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The Worst Sequels Made From the Best MoviesThe Worst Sequels Made From the Best MoviesThese classic films inspired some of the worst movies ever made.Matt SingerMatt Singer
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12 Iconic Movie Moments That Were Improvised12 Iconic Movie Moments That Were ImprovisedSome of the famous quotes on this list might surprise you.Claire EptingClaire Epting
The IMDB.O. List: Is ‘Jaws 3-D’ Really One of the Worst Movies Ever Made?The IMDB.O. List: Is ‘Jaws 3-D’ Really One of the Worst Movies Ever Made?One man is watching every movie on IMDb’s Bottom 100 to see if they really are the worst films ever. Does this 1983 shark attack movie deserve to be included?Matt SingerMatt Singer