Texas Panhandle Kid Writes Name Into NCAA Record BookTexas Panhandle Kid Writes Name Into NCAA Record BookThe panhandle now lives in the record books...for now at leastRyan KramerRyan Kramer
Is a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Dating the Potential AL Rookie of the Year?Is a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader Dating the Potential AL Rookie of the Year?The cute couple might have gone Instagram official yesterday and I am all for it.StrykerStryker
The Texas Rangers Have Officially Played in a MLB Pride NightThe Texas Rangers Have Officially Played in a MLB Pride NightThe Texas Rangers were the only team to never play in a pride night in Major League Baseball, until last night.StrykerStryker
Am I a Moron for Buying Orioles Season Tickets, When I Live in Texas?Am I a Moron for Buying Orioles Season Tickets, When I Live in Texas?I made a promise to myself when I was in high school and I am a man of my word.StrykerStryker
Baseball is Back, But for How Long?Baseball is Back, But for How Long?COVID-19 strikes MLB.Aaron Zytle (AZ)Aaron Zytle (AZ)