TxDOT Uses Social Media to Find Wedding Dress That Fell Out of Truck on Texas Highway
TxDOT took to social media to help a couple find a wedding dress that flew out of their truck.
This past Thursday, the Texas Department of Transportation, TxDOT, used social media to lend a helping hand for a Texas couple that lost their wedding dress while moving.
The post was originally on Facebook, but TxDOT Tweeted out the request just after noon on Thursday. They said the dress was lost on I-40 between Oklahoma City and Groom, Texas.
Ben and Merissa McNeal were married back in September in Hawaii and were making a move to San Diego, you know, to stay classy. When they got to Groom, near Amarillo, they realized that the box containing Merissa's wedding dress had become dislodged and fell out of the truck bed.
Richard Hawthorne and his family were driving from Oklahoma City to Pampa, Texas when they saw the Tweet from TxDOT so they decided to look for it. They got lucky and spotted it in the interstate median. The box was a little beat up, but the dress was fine.
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