Question For Men: How Much Time Do You Spend In The Bathroom?
We're all quite aware of the amount of time women spend in the bathroom, but we are now starting to learn about how much time guys spend in the bathroom. And for the record, no matter what amount of time we spend in there, we will still forget to put the seat down. (Sorry, ladies.)
According to The Independent, a recent survey of 1,000 British men found that men on average spend up a total of 7 hours a year in the bathroom. The main reason has nothing to do with use of the facilities, but to HIDE OUT FROM EVERYONE.
The survey found that the top reasons for hiding out in the bathroom are:
- For some quiet time
- To get away from their partner nagging them
- To get a break from the kids
- To avoid chores
- To use their phone undisturbed
But don't trip, ladies. The same survey asked 1,000 women their reasons for spending so much time in the bathroom, and more than one fifth of those surveyed said that the bathroom is "the place they go to escape everyone and get some much needed peace."
Everyone needs a quiet place. Just remember to spray some air freshener when you're done.
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