New Texas Bill Could Make You an Organ Donor
Are you an organ donor? If not, you just might soon be if you live in Texas.
According to KTRK, there's a bill going around the capital at Austin that could make you an organ donor whether you checked the little box or not. It's House Bill 1938.
It was written by Dallas State Rep. Jason Villalba. The bill says it would only apply to first-time dirver's license holders and renewals over the age of 18.
Donate Live Texas, the state's organ and tissue registry, is in opposition to the bill. You might think that's a bit odd, but here's the rub: the bill would require license holders be given two notices alerting them that they can opt out. Donate Life says that may give them fewer donors because it will remind people to opt-out over and over again.
Right now there are 9.2 million registered donors and 120,000 people on the transplant waiting list. Meanwhile, 22 people die everyday in the United States while waiting for an organ match.
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