New Flu Strain Created in a Lab is Capable of Killing Off the Human Race
Hey Der,
Here is the most scary news you'll hear this year. University of Wisconsin-Madison has just called up Randall Flagg from the Minors.
Randall Flagg is a character from the Stephan King Novel "The Stand", which is about a flu bug escaping a lab and wiping out almost all of the human population on the planet. Which is fitting because a scientist has created a flu virus that can just do that.
His name is Yoshihiro Kawaoka, and he has taken the H1N1 virus, that killed about 500,000 people in it's first year of existence, and has manipulated it so it can "escape" the control of the bodies immune system's neutralizing antibodies. In short, it changes when our body changes, so now the human race has no defense against it.
Doctor Kawaoka claims that the experiment was designed to monitor the changes to H1N1 that would enable it to escape immune protection so we could improve the design of vaccines. That's a nice theory, but what if this untreatable virus escapes? Are the possible results of your experiment worth placing the human race at risk of extinction?
I'm a walking example of the saying..."Just because you can do it, doesn't mean you should do it". For 3 years I ate what I wanted, when I wanted, because I could. The end result put me in the hospital on verge of death. What did I learn? Well, it turns out my parents were right all along, but instead of just listening to them, I now know for sure that eating a 10 pack of taco's at two in the morning, and not doing a lick of exercise, really isn't good for you.
Was this experiment worth the years of my life that has be taken away. Hell no!
Will Doctor Kawaoka's experiment be worth the risk of the human race?
I hope you're not the kind of person who sits around and worries about what experiments people are doing on this planet that endanger our existence. If you are, sorry about this. Just remember, if it goes bad, it goes bad. Oh well. We're all gonna die sometime anyway, So enjoy the tacos while you can.
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