National Johns Suppression Initiative Leads to 71 Arrests
McLennan County is truely cracking down on prostitution. They're ranked fifth in the nation in arrests - even ahead of New York City and Los Angeles.
KWTX is reporting that a massive online sting has taken place with 71 arrests being made.
The sting was part of the National Johns Suppression Initiative. Sheriff Parnell McNamara told KWTX:
"We're going to keep on. We will be targeting child molesters. We're gonna be targeting people that want to get hooked up and have sex with underage kids. And also the 'Johns' that are the sex buyers that are creating demand. Our effort ranked us fifth in the nation in arrests, ahead of New York City and even Los Angeles."
Most of the arrest were men from out of town and out of state. Notible arrests include a former police officer and the son of a federal judge. One guy even tried to run from the police by ramming two squad cars several times.
Paying for sex in McLennan County sounds very risky. If you find yourself in a "randy" mood, you might want to take a shower. You can also go to the store an buy a Fleshlight. Sure, you'll feel silly, but you'll feel silly in your home and not in a jail cell.
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