Man Builds Electric Fence to Stop Rude Children
Parents are shocked! Shocked I say, at the actions of one of their neighbors.
When I was a kid, one of our neighbors put up a strip of fence in the middle of his yard because all of us would cut across his yard on our bikes. We though he idiot. Turns out he was a tame idiot compared to another.
Virginia is for lovers, but what comes from all those Virginians making the love, I.E. children, some Virginians have no love for.
A man, who's yard is near a school bus pick up point, was tired of the kids tossing trash in his yard while they waited for said bus. Solution? No, not hanging out in the morning with a shotgun in tow, surprisingly. But attaching electricity to the fence.
ABC13 is reporting that the man, Bryan Tucker, told WRIC, that the signs he posted in his yard saying to keep of his yard did nothing, so he put up the fence..."I'm not in charge of other people's children. I'm not directing people's children what to do. All I can do is protect myself and that's why I've got a fence up."
Parents were upset. He ended up taking the fence down, but that was because he missed his property line and constructed the electric fence on county property. He will be allowed to rebuild as long as it built on his property.