Killeen Police Issued 72 Speeding Tickets in 90 Minutes Thursday
Killeen police are reminding people to slow down and obey warning signs in school zones after issuing almost 100 citations in 90 minutes at Pershing Park Elementary School Thursday.
After citizens complained about speeders in the school zone at 1500 West Central Texas Expressway, the Killeen Police Department Traffic Unit set up a 90-minute detail outside the school on March 21.
Killeen Police Spokeswoman Ofelia Miramontez reports that a total of 95 citations were issued during the detail.
-72 Citations for speeding in a school zone
-17 citations other than speeding
-2 warning citations
Guys. C'mon. 72 speeding tickets in a school zone in less than two hours?
That's obviously unacceptable, and we can do better.
When you see those flashing yellow lights, slow down and take your time. Look out for kids crossing or walking along the street, and always keep an eye out for bicycles, skateboards, and scooters. Also, keep in mind that kids don't always cross at designated crossing areas, so pay attention.
And, just as important, put your phone away. Not only is it dangerous to be texting or holding our phone to your ear while driving, being spotted doing either could net you a hefty traffic fine.
Speeding in school zones and failing to stop for buses with their flashing red lights on and STOP sign out are both incredibly dangerous and not worth a child losing their life over.
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