Joe Shepperd Named Downtowner of the Year
The City of Temple announced this week that Joe Shepperd of Temple has been named Downtowner of the Year by the Texas Downtown Association.
The awards program recognizes outstanding projects, places, and people from across the state, particularly those working to revitalize or enhance downtown areas.
The Downtowner of the Year Award recognizes a local resident for the contributions to downtown development and revitalization efforts. This year the judges liked Joe's dedication and investments in Downtown Temple. They felt he's made an incredible impact on Temple's downtown.
“Although Joe Shepperd’s passion is oil and gas exploration and production, he has certainly made an impact in downtown development in Temple, Texas,” said City of Temple Downtown Development Coordinator, Sherri Street. “Over the years Joe has bought and renovated many downtown buildings, keeping some and selling others. He takes an active role in everything ‘downtown’ and is a cheerleader and supporter to new businesses as well. Joe Shepperd is one of the many leaders in Downtown Temple making it the place to be once again! We are very fortunate to have him on our team.”
One hundred and fifteen entries were submitted in twelve different categories from communities across the state. Judges reviewed entries online and then met in person to make their final selection of award finalists and winners. The panel included: Kent Collins, Centro Development; P.A. Geddie, County Line Magazine; Lois Rodriguez, Texas Highways; and Evan Thompson, Preservation Texas.
Winners were announced on November 8 at the President’s Awards Gala held in conjunction with the 2017 Texas Downtown Conference in McKinney.
TDA was established in 1985 to connect and serve communities that are committed to downtown vitality. The membership organization is an independent, statewide nonprofit that represents cities and towns of all sizes, economic development corporations, chambers of commerce, local organizations, small businesses, and individuals.
Congratulations to Joe!
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