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I haven't even finished putting all of our Christmas away and I already see Valentine's Day stuff everywhere!!!

Side note; Valentines Day cards for kids are NEXT LEVEL!

"Back in my day" bulk Valentine's Day cards were just flat pieces of paper!

With that thought in mind, here is a flashback to Valentines when I was a kid!

When we first saw this bodacious Youtube video from VKMTV Studios, we freaked out!

We had totally forgotten about these super cool Valentine's Day cards many of you probably remember exchanging back in the '80s and '90s.

Waxing nostalgia on Valentine's Day, we decided to take a deep dive and find the most radical Top 20 Valentine's cards from our wonder years, when many of us were experiencing our very first crushes and first loves.

Check Out These Retro Valentine's Day Cards

Gallery Credit: TSM/ILS

Some of these Valentines come from the video above, and some from Etsy, but all of them bring back great memories.

Recognize any of these?

If you've still got one of your retro Valentine's Day cards, hit us up on the app with a photo and we will sooooo find you a prize from the prize vault!

How many Valentine's Day cards are bought from Hallmark?

According to Hallmark Corporate, 145 million cards are sent every year around the world and that number does NOT include Valentine's Day cards school children exchange with each other!

Who was your first crush, your first love? Let us know on the station app! We'd love to visit with you and tell you how much we love our listeners too!

Valentines is right around the corner! How are you celebrating?

Not Your Usual Texas Get Aways Perfect to Beat Texas Heat

Gallery Credit: Youtube/TSM