Insurance Company Decides to Pay to Treat Hewitt Girl
It was Theodore Roosevelt who famously said, "I speak softly but I carry a big stick." Sometimes, it's quiet determination, a steady resolve mixed with unbreakable intent, which can convince someone they've found themselves cross-ways with someone whom they ought not be crosswise if they know what's good for them.
All we want is for people to do what they know is right. To follow through with what they promised to do. And so it has come to pass, now that our friends at KWTX-TV News 10 have looked into the matter.
According to parent LeeAnn Fortenberry of Hewitt, her five-year old daughter Faith, who suffers from spinal muscular atrophy or SMA, needs a series of injections which cost about $750,000. After initially approving of the treatment, the insurance companies balked at paying such an expensive regimen and backed out. Thing is, this treatment can save young Faith's life.
That's when News 10 jumped into action. See the full story here by News 10 Correspondent Rissa Shaw. Be ready to have your heartstrings thoroughly tugged.
As it turns out, a friend of one of the higher-ups at the insurance company saw the piece News 10 did. The VIP decided to do what was right. That's all we ever expect anyone to do, especially those entrusted with the medical care of our loved ones.
Suffice it to say, all is now back on track for the young girl's treatment. High fives to Channel 10!
Reminds me of the scene from The Godfather Part II: "The rent stays the same as before!"
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