High Speed Chase on I-35 Tuesday Morning
A multi-county chase ended Tuesday morning near Lorena.
KWTX reports that it began when Williamson County deputies tried to stop 27-year-old Matthew Almanza of Raymondville for reckless driving. He didn't stop, but sped off instead.
The chase hit Bell County at 3:50 a.m. and continued into McLennan County.
Deputies from McLennan County laid down spike strips near mile marker 319 in the northbound lane. Almanza hit the strip and continued to drive on the rims for 6 more miles.
Mr. Almanza was arrested, and jail records indicate he was booked into the Bell County Jail at 5:46 AM and charged with evading arrest.
A female passenger wasn't taken into custody, and thankfully no one was injured.
Remember people - unless you've got the no-deflate tires, it's best just to stop as soon as you see the rollers.