Heritage Donut Shop Still Dough-ing It
I was looking for quick and tasty breakfast options without having to get up and out of my pajamas. The only way I could do that is to go through the drive-through. Early on a Sunday morning, my options are limited to fast food and donut shops.
While they don't have as many locations as their leading competitor, Jack and Jill Donuts is still getting it done in Texas.
This store has long been on my list, and not only because of its old school vibe (although that did track me initially). Everything about this place seems unchanged from the day it opened - as it should be!
What keeps people coming back are the light and fluffy quality to these donuts. At no time did I feel like I was eating a deli, greasy concoction. I thought these donuts were super-light, flavorful, and sweet pastries. The regular glazed was just perfect.
I'm beginning to realize that filled donuts are really not the best donuts to judge the quality of a donut shop. Quite simply, in order to contain the gelatinous mix within, some of the hallmarks of a signature donut have to be compromised. And at Jack and Jill, the light and fluffy texture of their donuts is negated somewhat. This is not to say the jelly donuts weren't tasty, but they tasted like pretty much any shop's jelly donut. The regular glazed donuts were so distinctive it seems a shame to fill them with sugary stuff.
I also gave the sausage and cheese kolache a try. This is one of the best ones I've had in Central Texas. Even though the bread part was double the size of the sausage and cheese part, I was able to roll one side on to another and it was perfect. Soft dough, flavorful center. Exceptional.
One more thing: Community Coffee. You know I grade on a curve when it comes to that. Extra points for sure.
Jack and Jill Donuts are at 1303 S 57th Street in Temple next to Rylander's Hamburgers across from Clem Mikeska's.