Gun Sales are on the Rise
Gun sales in the U.S. are on the rise.
According to a report by KCEN, the first six months of 2020 saw 19 million firearms sold in U.S. Why so many this year? The pandemic and civil unrest have led people to protect themselves and their families.
The owner of Shootist Gun and Knife Shop in Tyler Texas, Mac Woods, says,
"They're not staying at home because they are bored and [want] to buy a gun, they are wanting to buy a gun because the events of the world are selling the crap out of them."
The National Shooting Sports Foundation, says retailers saw an 87% increase in gun sales and a 92% increase in ammunition sales at the beginning of 2020.
Woods has been in the gun sales business for 33 years and says it's no surprise.
"We've had a number of times when we've seen a surge in gun and ammunition sales. Some of the early one's was when Clinton was elected, and then re-elected there were surges then and when Obama was elected and re-elected there was a surge then."
According to The Brookings Institute's research, the days after the death of George Floyd's in May saw a surge of 150,000 firearm and ammunition sales per day on June 2-3.
The FBI reported more than 3 million background checks were performed for gun purchases by July of 2020.
The folks at IdeaStream report that 40% of American adults either own a gun or live with someone who does. Most owners say their firearm is meant for protection. Surprisingly, it looks like the number of gun-owning households has declined significantly since the late 70's. Not surprisingly, the U.S. has the world's highest number of civilian-owned firearms.
Most gun owners seem to be responsible people, but just in case, here's a list of gun safety recommendations from the Firearm Industry Trade Association.

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