Temple Mayor’s Fitness Council Challenges Local Businesses to Compete to Get Fit
The Temple Mayor’s Council on Physical Fitness is throwing down the gauntlet, calling businesses, companies and corporations of all sizes in Temple and surrounding areas to compete in the 2019 Corporate Challenge.
Teams of employees can enjoy friendly completion in events including bowling, volleyball, golf, basketball skills, horseshoes, washers, billiards, kickball, disc golf, softball, a 5K race, and even a sporting clays shooting event.
Companies can choose from varying levels of participation for their employees. Some companies choose to compete in a single event, while others compete in all of them.
The primary goal of the program is to encourage a healthy workforce through team building. It's a fantastic opportunity for coworkers to team up and compete together for both personal achievement and company pride.
“The corporate challenge is a great team-building opportunity for your employees outside the workplace,” said Tracy Klusacek, Coordinator for the Corporate Challenge. “It also promotes employee health and wellness while improving morale.”
Business of all sizes are encouraged to join in the fun. Companies must register by Friday, August 9 at 5:00 PM to be eligible to compete. Events are scheduled from September 7th to October 26th.
To learn more about the Corporate Challenge or to register your company, please visit getfittemple.com or call (254) 298-5582.
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