
King of the Grill
King of the Grill
King of the Grill
Show us you or your dad's old, rusty nightmare of a grill. We'll choose the ugliest one and replace it with a brand new gas grill and prizes from our sponsors!
Free Lunch Winner
Free Lunch Winner
Free Lunch Winner
Congratulations to May and the folks at Temple's Health and Human Services Office! Listen for the lunch password every weekday and we may feed you next time.
Grand in Your Hand
Grand in Your Hand
Grand in Your Hand
It's always nice when you get some money back from your tax returns, a refund check from a business, or some cash as a gift on a special occasion. Let's be honest though, it's never enough. Somehow your plan for the money gets divided between things you need and things you want, and there isn't enough for either. What if you got a bonus chunk of money just because? Perhaps an extra $1,000? That wouldn't be too terrible, would it? Well, neither would be winning $1,000 with us.

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