Bridgeway Back 2 School Giveaway
With school about to be starting back for everyone, a Central Texas church is wanting to help ensure everyone is able to go back prepared with the necessary supplies.
The Bridgeway Back 2 School Giveway is brought to you by A New Day Fellowship Church, located at 510 E. Ave. J in Temple. The event is sponsored by pastors Dr. Robert & Teresa Beamon. The give away will handout free backpacks, free Bibles, and free school supplies available for students.
The giveaway will also have ceramic painting, face painting, and a free Christian rap concert. The artists hitting the stage will be, James Whitehead, J. Nice, and J. Carr. The giveaway will be held August 18th from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.. For any other details with the giveaway, call (254) 899-9321. Come out, have a great time, and enjoy the community!
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