Big Q Taste Tests Blue Bell Marbled Cream Cheese Brownie Ice Cream
I love me some ice cream. It seems that they're getting a little desperate at finding new flavors. A lot of them don't interest me in the slightest, but this one peaked my taste buds.
There's four flavors you can't go wrong with. Chocolate, Vanilla, Chocolate Chip, and Oreo Cookie. If you serve one or more of those, the majority of the people you serve will be happy and satisfied. I'll eat any of these any day of the week, but I'll go to the mat for the flavored called Tin Roof. It's described as "Vanilla ice cream with a rich chocolate fudge swirl and roasted peanuts dipped in dark chocolate." Or, what I like to call...perfection. It's the standard at which I judge any and all special concoctions that these ice cream companies serve up just before summer.
I have to pay full price for ice cream by buying the pint size containers. Anything bigger would save me money, but I can't stop till it's all gone. If I buy a gallon, I'll try not to eat it all, but it calls at me from the freezer.
"Sure is cold in here. I can't believe you would torture me so. You know I was made to be in your belly, so why are you not putting me there. You leave me in the freezer to freeze. That's sick man. Sick! Do us all a favor and eat me know, please!".
Of course I'm not an evil person, so I do the ice cream a favor and eat it all. If you were in earshot of my bathroom afterwards, you hear me saying "You're welcome" in-between barfs.
Spotted something new this past weekend. This is Marbled Cream Cheese Brownie. Can you really screw up brownies? No, not really. But what you can do is throw someone into a diabetic coma. This decadent delight is a combination of Milk Chocolate Ice Cream and cream cheese ice cream loaded with tasty chocolate brownies and a chocolate sundae sauce swirl. The answer is yes. Yes, it is as rich as it sounds. For this one, a pint is the same as a gallon. I couldn't finish it. It was so rich that I actually got up and waddled my way back to the kitchen and dumped it down the drain. It was IT or me, and I chose me. Of course I apologized as I flipped the switch on the disposal, because, like I said, I'm not evil, just fat.
Conclusion. If you love rich food, then you need to try Blue Bell's Marbled Cream Cheese Brownie.