Applications Now Being Accepted for Disaster Unemployment Assistance
In the wake of one of the biggest disasters in America's history, the process of getting people back on their feet has begun.
As one who has dealt with floods before, I can tell you that the recovery process can involve many, many baby steps. With the reality of your world being completely changed in a matter of hours, it's doing the little things that can speed your way back to recovery.
The Texas Workforce Commission has opened the door for victims, as they are now accepting applications for Disaster Unemployment Assistance.
Under Presidential Disaster Declaration (FEMA 4332-DR), workers who lost their jobs, as well as self-employed individuals who have been unable to work due to damage sustained from Hurricane Harvey, can submit applications for relief.
Applications must be submitted by September 27th, 2017. If you'd like more information about Disaster Unemployment Assistance, you can check out the website.
Applicants must mail in or fax all required documentation within 21 days from the date of the DUA application.
Applications should be mailed to the address below:
Texas Workforce Commission
UI Support Services Department
Attn: DUA
101 E. 15th St., N. Lamar, Austin, TX, 78778-0001
Fax applications to this number if you want to send it that way: 512-936-3250
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