Amazing DashCam Shows Truck Hitting Man in a Box
Crazy video captured in Texas.
People in Russia all have cameras on their dashboard because the whole country is looking to scam and collude you. (Allegedly) But, dashcams are becoming popular in the states as well. That includes Texas.
KTRK in Houston is reporting that a freelance photographer named Andrew Wolf captured an amazing moment when a truck, doing 50 mph, hit a man in box attempting to repair a stop light.
The incident took place in Fort Bend County, along Highway 90 and Pitts Road back on February 25th.
If you've ever driven in America you know they normally make you change lanes to avoid a dangerous situation. But this work crew was cutting a few corners it seems. Luckily the workman did attach his safety harness which saved his life. He was dangling upside down after he was struck. His crew lowered him to the ground and he walked away from the experience shaken, not stirred.
The driver of the truck did stop. And Wolf called 911.
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