Alligator Captured at Texas Walmart
How good are the deals at Walmart? Good enough to entice a real live alligator.
CBSDFW is reporting that an 8 foot alligator was captured in the Walmart parking lot in Aransas Pass.
My guess is that the deals on BBQ grills was to good, so the gator tried to come get some as it were. Of course, come for the BBQ grills stay for underdressed people.
You don't have to outrun an alligator dressed in your pajamas and flip flops, you just have to outrun the other person wearing flip flops.
The gator was hog tied, or gator tied in the parking lot and handed over to Texas Parks & Wildlife.
There's no proof to this, but the police might've grabbed some good Rub for a BBQ later. It's possible.
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