Actress Claims Sexual Assault by George H. W. Bush in 2014
People Magazine is reporting former President George H. W. Bush is being accused of grabbing actress Heather Lind back in 2014.
KCENTV says the magazine reported that Lind commented on the situation in an Instagram post that has recently been deleted. Lind says Bush told her a dirty joke during a photo shoot as he grabbed her on the backside.
Lind says it happened during her AMC tour for the series "TURN: Washington's Spies". The two made time for the photo during a promotional appearance in Houston in 2014.
People Magazine online printed the following quote from Lind: "He didn’t shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke. And then, all the while being photographed, touched me again."
People then quoted Bush's spokesperson Jim McGrath as saying, "President Bush would never — under any circumstance — intentionally cause anyone distress, and he most sincerely apologizes if his attempt at humor offended Ms. Lind."
An attempt at humor? Is that what you call that?