Enroll in the Harker Heights Citizens Police AcademyEnroll in the Harker Heights Citizens Police AcademyThe free academy gives citizens an opportunity to learn the procedures and techniques our local officers use to serve and protect.Aaron SavageAaron Savage
Teen Shot in Harker HeightsTeen Shot in Harker HeightsA shot fired from outside a home on North Ann Boulevard late Monday night struck the victim in the arm.Big OBig O
Heights Shooting SuspectHeights Shooting SuspectA suspect who was at large for the murder of a man in Harker Heights on February 10th turned himself in Tuesday morning. Big OBig O
Harker Heights Police Department is Testing Dogs for K9 UnitHarker Heights Police Department is Testing Dogs for K9 UnitAdorable dog tries out for Harker Heights Police K9 Unit.Big QBig Q