Passenger ‘Livid’ After Delta Airlines Forces Them to Give Up First-Class Seat to Dog: ‘Absolute Joke’
A passenger was raging after learning that they were forced to give up their seat on an airplane to a dog.
The frustrated individual vented on Reddit, calling Delta Airlines decision an "absolute joke."
“I got upgraded to first this morning, only to 15 mins later get downgraded (to a [worse] seat than I previously had),” the passenger wrote.
After inquiring about the change, they were told by the desk agent that something had "changed."
“Okay, fine, I am disgruntled but whatever” they continued, until discovering who had gotten the seat.
“I then board only to see this dog in my first class seat ... And now I'm livid,” the traveler continued.
Seeing red, the individual "immediately' contacted Delta support. However, they were told, “You may be relocated for service animals,” or, simply, “There is nothing they can do.”
“There is no way that dog has spent as much with this airline as I have... What an absolute joke. What's the point of being loyal to this airline anymore, truly,” they stated.
“I've sat back when others complained about this airline mistreating customers lately and slipping in service levels, but I'm starting to question my allegiance as well," the disgruntled passenger concluded their post.
READ MORE: If You’re a Jerk, This Hack Will Stop People From Reclining Their Seats on Airplanes
The post was met with mixed responses in the comments, with many Redditors trying to find humor in the situation.
“This stupid bring your dog wherever you go is getting out of hand. And don’t even go there with ‘it’s a service animal’. Stay home or drive if you need your pet that bad," one person wrote.
"It’s a dog-eat-dog world," another user commented.
“I’d give him your seat too,” a third person said.
Pet Policies on the Largest Airlines in the U.S.
Gallery Credit: Jill Jaracz