Texans Can Take These Steps To Protect Themselves, Their Pets, and Their Homes During The Polar Vortex
Texans should start preparing today, and by at least this weekend for frigid cold weather that is heading our way in the form of a polar vortex.
Arctic cold weather will begin to sink down from Canada as soon as Sunday for some parts of Texas, by Monday much of the state will begin to feel the cold air start to move through. Temperatures in the Panhandle and on the South Plains, including Lubbock will start seeing high temperatures in the 30's by Tuesday and could see low temperatures drop below 20 starting Tuesday night.
READ MORE: A Polar Vortex is Heading For Texas, Temperatures Set To Plunge
As we get closer to Monday, expect forecasts to start falling in line. Ron Roberts of KAMC issued a forecast on Thursday night predicting highs in the 30's beginning Tuesday of next week and not ruling out snow.
With the real possibility of seeing freezing temperatures for multiple days, there are steps you can take to protect yourself, your home, and your pets from the cold.
Protecting Yourself From The Artic Cold Blast
This is actually pretty simple for most people. According to experts who spoke to KCENTV, people should eat plenty of food and drink water. In fact, it's good to have both food and water available in your home just incase the power goes out.
Also, dress warm. Exposed skin to freezing temperatures could lead to frostbite.
Protecting Your Pets From Artic Cold Temperatures in Texas
Just because they have fur, doesn't mean they want to be exposed to freezing cold temperatures. Having said that, yes there are some dogs that are built for brutally cold temperatures. If your pets aren't inside when it's cold out, provide them with both food and water and a warm place to stay. That can include putting out straw inside a doghouse.
Protecting Your Home and Plants During the Polar Vortex
It's going to get cold in Texas and some places may see multiple days below zero. A simple tip to protect your home is to cover those pipes. This will save your money because frozen pipes can lead to busted pipes and water all over your home.
Put insulation around exposed pipes. Unsure of what to do? Just go to hardware store and they can point you in the right direction.
It's also a good time to bring in outdoor plants or at least cover them.
Two things you shouldn't do. Do not turn an oven on or gas stove on at night in order to "heat" the house and leave them on overnight. That can lead to a fire. Also, do not run outdoor generator, indoors.
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