Central Texas Man Caught Trying to Have Sex with Minor
Is sex with minor worth prison time? It seems, that for some, it is.
If you're on the web trolling for sex, you should just stop. No one on the web is who they say they are.
"I'm 5'5" with C cups, and I'm only 14. I want to learn to use these assets that God has given me. Who wants to be my teacher?"
Really? Would you fall for this?
Well, it wasn't this poor attempt, but some Central Texas man did bite the apple Tuesday.
He went to Bellmead to have sex with a Police detective. He thought it was a 14-year-old girl, but nope. He'd sent the "girl" “multiple sexually suggestive messages” and “eventually solicited the decoy to meet for sex.” According to the police.
Like any good idiot looking to plow a minor, when he saw the police he sped away. Alas, he doesn't know Bellmead and went down a dead end street. That was where he was placed in handcuffs.
Let's hear it for David Eugene Loveless, 42, of Valley Mills. He went online and ended up arrested and facing charges of online solicitation of a minor and evading in a motor vehicle.
Here's your prison number.
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